A few words on wine.

After a little thought, a few medications, and no wine at all I’ve got a theory.

Wine is a lot like a person. At first it’s all innocent as a juice, then after some time has passed it grows stronger, able to overpower some people while soothing others. Once even more time goes by, one of two things happens. It either gets better with age or just turns bitter. Some are cheap others are priceless, and just like people in both cases, being one or the other doesn’t exactly make you good or bad. Wine can have a variety of homes. Some in lovely bottles and others in cardboard boxes, much like people it’s not so much the packaging but what’s on the inside that counts. 

So here is my advice to you. Don’t overlook that cardboard box. Always try to improve with age or risk becoming bitter. Lastly, everyone will become wine some day, try to raise a good vintage.