How to save a life.

1. Listen without judgement.

2. Be kind, have compassion.

3. You don’t know anything about it so shut up.

4. Really, I mean it. The last thing they need is an ultimatum or the fear that you too will abandon them.

5. Offer real help. Condolences and prayers only go so far when someone is going under for what might be the third time. Knowing what resources are in your area and the number of any warm lines IS helping.

6. Know these numbers:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) (rape, abuse, & incest national network) 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)

The Trevor Project for LBGTPQ youth  866-488-7386 Provides many services and resources for free. Call 211

7. Take as much time as it takes. It very well could be you feeling that low someday. Would you want the person you reached out for to be in a hurry?

8. If at any time your friend makes it clear they have immediate plans to end their life, take it seriously. Try to get them to voluntarily admit themselves to a hospital or dial 911. 

No one has to be alone. You are worth more than you could ever know. 

Take it from someone who is still fighting, had I punched my own ticket every time I didn’t think I would see the sun I would’ve missed SO many wonderful things.

The births of 7 kids between family and friends. Some I haven’t even gotten to meet yet because of distance but I hope to someday.

Yeah, there’s been bad and I’ve been neck deep in a ton of bad for the last four years BUT I have faith. I have faith in a lot of things. You don’t have to go for a big guy in the sky you just have to have faith that YOU can survive. You will, if you always reach for help.

Ok. Who am I F**KING kidding? 

My last post titled “So…” was the, fresh from the Dr, try to stay calm, and for Fs sake just try to be optimistic, post. I, however, am failing miserably. Just the antibiotic she prescribed alone is scary! We’re talking some tough stuff here. Not a z-pack or levaquin (sp?) but this horse pill sulfa drug that’s beyond stout, almost a sure bet to rip up my tummy, and I must take two pills two times a day! 

Then hits mega fear. While praying it’s only an infection, I’m to prepare for the worst case scenario. What if it’s cancer? 

The nicest way to phrase this is I’m not in a suitable environment to begin any sort of treatment. I’m desperately in need of a boost out that isn’t on the radar and to top it all off, if I managed to get a place, I won’t be able to take anything with me without a great deal of help. 

Lately, the lady that never could get much sleep, can’t stay awake to save her life! I will pass out, mid-task any and every moment of the day. I have woken up hunched over, sitting in bed to find I had been watching a movie that’s now almost over or texting a friend. (Of course now everyone thinks I’m just forgetting about them) 

At this point I’m afraid to drive. Not that I can do so well in the first place since I have almost no use of my right arm. 

I would love any positive vibes you can spare.

I think I would make an awesome sister wife if…

I never had to have sex or make babies. Basically I think I would be the best live in nanny ever. I’m great with kids, love to craft and cook. I would be thrilled to split housework plus as a disabled person I’m always on call if the kids need anything. I’m totally not the fun outdoorsy type, but I can read the same children’s books thousands of times and it never bothers me a moment.

That said, I would totally want dental and vision. I should probably also be allowed to see other people… You know, since I wouldn’t be married and would really just be a nanny.

I at least hope I am able to foster someday. Though amazing nanny would be so cool!